
Peer Reviewed

Salvatore, C., & Taniguchi, T. A. (2023). Pride, but Is There Job Satisfaction for LGB Workers? Survey Based Evidence from the United States. Sexuality & Culture.

Taniguchi, T. A., Rineer, J. R., Hoogesteyn, K., Wire, S., & Mangum, L. (2023). Recruiting women into policing: Experimentally testing the effectiveness of recruiting materials. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 17(paad049).
Available Online (open access)

Rineer, J. R., Taniguchi, T. A., Aagaard, B., Brinton, J., Duhart-Clarke, S. E., Presler-Jur, P., & Wire, S. (2023). How do law enforcement agencies recruit diverse applicants? Analysis of digital recruiting materials. International Journal of Police Science & Management.
Available Online (open access)

Taniguchi, T. A., Aagaard, B., Baumgartner, P., & Young, A. R. (2023). A field‑experiment testing the impact of a warrant service prioritization strategy for police patrol officers. Crime Science, 12(6).
Available Online (open access)

Taniguchi, T. A., Vovak, H., Cordner, G., Amendola, K., Yang, Y., Hoogesteyn, K., Bartness, M. (2022). The Impact of Active Bystander Training on Officer Confidence and Ability to Address Ethical Challenges. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 16(3), 508-522.
Available Online (paywall)

Rineer, J. R., Strom, K. J. and Taniguchi, T. A. (2021), Guest editorial: An introduction to the special issue: stress, health and wellness in policing: understanding and addressing complex issues. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 44(2), 193-199.
Available Online (paywall)

Salvatore, C., & Taniguchi, T. A. (2021). Military Service and Offending Behaviors of Emerging Adults: Research Review. Social Sciences, 10(2), 49.
Available Online

Herrmann, C. R., Maroko, A. R., Taniguchi, T. A. (2021). Subway Station Closures and Robbery Hot Spots – Understanding Mobility Factors and Crime Reduction. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 27, 415-432.
Available Online (paywall)

Groff, E. & Taniguchi, T. A. (2019). Quantifying Crime Prevention Potential: Near-Repeat Burglary. Police Quarterly, 22(3), 330-359.
Available Online (paywall)

Groff, E. & Taniguchi, T. A. (2019). Using citizen notification to interrupt near repeat residential burglary patterns: The micro-level near repeat experiment. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 15, 115-149.
Available Online (paywall)

Hendrix, J., Taniguchi, T., Strom, K., Aagaard, B., & Johnson, N. (2019). Strategic policing philosophy and the acquisition of technology: Findings from a nationally representative survey of law enforcement. Policing and Society, 29(6), 727-743.
Available Online (paywall)

Taniguchi, T.A. & Gill, C. E. (2019). The Mobilization of Computerized Crime Mapping: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 15, 213-225.
Available Online (paywall)

Hendrix, J., Taniguchi, T., Strom, K., Barrick, K. & Johnson, N. (2018). The Eyes of Law Enforcement in the New Panopticon: Police-Community Racial Asymmetry and the Use of Surveillance Technology. Surveillance & Society, 16(1).
Available Online (open access)

Taniguchi, T. A., Hendrix, J. A., Levin-Rector, A., Aagaard, B., Strom, K., & Zimmer, S. (2017). Extending the Veil of Darkness Approach: An Examination of Racial Disproportionality in Traffic Stops in Durham, NC. Police Quarterly, 20(4), 420-448.
Available Online

Furberg, R. D., Taniguchi, T. A., Aagaard, B., Ortiz, A. M., Hegarty-Carver, M., Gilchrist, K. H., & Ridenour, T. A. (2017). Biometrics & Policing: A Protocol for Multichannel Sensor Data Collection and Exploratory Analysis of Contextualized Psychophysiological Response During Law Enforcement Operations. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(3).
Available Online

Taniguchi, T. A., & Salvatore, C. (2017). Policing a Negotiated World: A Partial Test of Klinger’s Ecological Theory of Policing. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 34, 345–366.
Available Online

Hiller, M. L., Salvatore, C., Taniguchi, T. A. (2014). Evaluation of a Criminal Justice internship program: Why do students take it and does it improve career preparedness? Journal of Criminal Justice Education,  25(1), 1-15.
Available Online

Salvatore, C., & Taniguchi, T. A. (2012). Do social bonds matter for emerging adults? Deviant Behavior, 33(9), 738-756.
Available Online

Salvatore, C., Taniguchi, T. A., & Welsh, W. N. (2012). Is emerging adulthood influencing Moffitt’s developmental taxonomy: Adding the “Prolonged” Adolescent Offender. Western Criminology Review, 13(1), 1-15.
Available Online

Taniguchi, T. A., & Salvatore, C. (2012). The criminogenic impact of drug and alcohol treatment facilities on violent and property crime: A socio-economic contingent relationship. Security Journal, 25(2), 95-115.
Available Online

Ratcliffe, J. H., Taniguchi, T. A., Groff, E. R., Wood, J. (2011). The Philadelphia foot patrol experiment: A randomized controlled trial of police effectiveness in violent crime hotspots. Criminology, 49(3), 795-831.
Available Online- Summary
Available Online- Full Text

Taniguchi, T. A., Ratcliffe, J. H., & Taylor, R. B. (2011). Gang set space, drug markets, and crime: Violent and property crimes around drug corners in Camden. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48(3), 327-363.
Available Online

Ratcliffe, J. H., Taniguchi, T. A., & Taylor, R. B. (2009). The crime reduction effects of public CCTV cameras: A multi-method spatial approach. Justice Quarterly, 26(4), 746-770.
Available Online

Taniguchi, T. A., Rengert, G. F., & McCord, E. S. (2009). Where size matters: Agglomeration economies of illegal drug markets in Philadelphia. Justice Quarterly, 26(4), 670-694.
Available Online

Ratcliffe, J. H., & Taniguchi, T. A. (2008). Is crime higher around drug-gang street corners? Two spatial approaches to the relationship between gang set space and local crime levels. Crime Patterns & Analysis, 1(1), 23-46.
Available Online

Books or Book Chapters

Weisburd, David, Eck, John E., Braga, Anthony A., Telep, Cody W., Cave, Breanne, Bowers, Kate, Bruinsma, Gerben, Gill, Charlotte, Groff, Elizabeth, Hibdon, Julie, Hinkle, Joshua C., Johnson, Shane D., Lawton, Brian, Lum, Cynthia, Ratcliffe, Jerry, Rengert, George, Taniguchi, Travis, Yang, Sue-Ming. (2016). Place Matters: Criminology for the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Available on Amazon

Taniguchi, Travis A., Rengert, George F., & McCord, Eric S. (2011). Where size matters: Agglomeration economies of illegal drug markets in Philadelphia. In Jeffery T Walker (Ed.), Social, Ecological, and Environmental Theories of Crime. London: Ashgate.
Available on Amazon

Other Publications

Taniguchi, T. A. (2024). Evaluating DOC’s validated treatment provider list for community navigators: Preliminary report. Washington State Institute for Public Policy.

Hoogesteyn, K., & Taniguchi, T. A. (2024). Practices for Law Enforcement Interviews of Potential Human Trafficking Victims: A Scoping Review. National Institute of Justice.
Available Online

Rineer, J. R. & Taniguchi, T. A. (2024). Revamping police recruitment: A strategic shift toward inclusivity and diversity. Police1.
Available Online

Rineer, J. R. & Taniguchi, T. A. (2024). Research review: Law enforcement recruitment messaging for female applicants. Police1.
Available Online

Taniguchi, T. A., Rineer, J. R., Bloch, E., Richgels, G., Tolber, R., Aagaard, B. (2023). An introduction to COMPASS: A new health and wellness resource from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Police1.
Available Online

Rineer, J. R. & Taniguchi, T. (2023). Customized Offerings for Mitigating and Preventing Agency-Specific Stress (COMPASS) Toolkit: A Guide to Data Collection and Program Implementation for Supporting Healthy Organizations. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).
Available Online

Rineer, J. R., Taniguchi, T., Duhart Clark, S. E., Hoogesteyn, K., & Craven, K. (2022). 10 Steps for Recruiting More Women Police. The Police Chief.
Available Online (Paywall)

Taniguchi, T., Hoogesteyn, K., Renouard, E., & Esserman, D. (2021). The Proliferation of Ghost Guns: Regulation Gaps and Challenges for Law Enforcement. National Police Foundation.
Available Online

Vovak, H., Riddle, T., Taniguchi, T., Hoogesteyn, K., & Yang, Y. (2021). Strategies for Policing Innovation (SPI) in Wilmington, Delaware: Targeting Violent Crime. National Police Foundation.

Redden, J., Aagaard, B., Taniguchi, T., & Criminal Justice Testing and Evaluation Consortium. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Groff, E. & Taniguchi, T. A. (2016, August). Employing Near-Repeat Patterns for Community-Driven Crime Prevention. The Police Chief, 83, 54–60.
Available Online (Paywall)

Taniguchi, T. A., Hendrix, J. A., & Aagaard, B. P. (2016, November). Development of the Law Enforcement Agency Roster (LEAR): Final report. Prepared for Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Strom, K. J., Hendrix, J. A., Taniguchi, T. A., Aagaard, B. P., Werth, S. R., Legacy, S. M., et al. (2016, May). Research on the impact of technology on policing strategy in the 21st century: Final report. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice.

Taniguchi, T. A., Hendrix, J. A., Aagaard, B. P., Strom, K. J., Levin-Rector, A. K., & Zimmer, S. A. (2016). A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Durham Police Department. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International.

Taniguchi, T. A., Hendrix, J. A., Aagaard, B. P., Strom, K. J., Levin-Rector, A. K., & Zimmer, S. A. (2016). A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Fayetteville Police Department. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International.

Taniguchi, T. A., Hendrix, J. A., Aagaard, B. P., Strom, K. J., Levin-Rector, A. K., & Zimmer, S. A. (2016). A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Greensboro Police Department. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International.

Taniguchi, T. A., Hendrix, J. A., Aagaard, B. P., Strom, K. J., Levin-Rector, A. K., & Zimmer, S. A. (2016). A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Raleigh Police Department. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International.

Taniguchi, T. A., & Salvatore, C. (2015, June). Citizen Perceptions of Online Crime Reporting Systems. The Police Chief, 82, 48–52.
Available Online

Elder, J., Taniguchi, T., Wiles, T. (2014). Information Sharing Platforms. Standards, Methods, and Technology Committee White Paper. Overland Park, KS. International Association of Crime Analysts.
Available Online

Harris, M., Hill, B., & Taniguchi, T. (2013). RMS Technical Requirements for crime analysis. Standards, Methods, and Technology Committee White Paper. Overland Park, KS. International Association of Crime Analysts.
Available Online

Harris, M., Hill, B., & Taniguchi, T. (2012). GIS software requirements for crime analysis. Standards, Methods, and Technology Committee White Paper. Overland Park, KS. International Association of Crime Analysts.
Available Online

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